God’s wisdom and plans are greater than ours. It is tempting to chart our children’s lives for them, but even better is when we let God take the wheel – directing our lives and our children’s lives too.

Do you already have the “perfect” plan designed for your children’s lives?

As parents, I believe this is a particularly difficult area to manoeuvre. Wanting the very best for our children, we can get our hearts set on anything from the best preschool to the best college. Knowing how hard it can be to make it in this world, we press in with our plans. We suggest or insist our children pursue the degree, career or marriage choices we think are best.

The problem comes when we forget the most important part: God’s wisdom and His ways. In Isaiah 55:8-9 we read:

For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
    neither are your ways my ways,”
declares the Lord.
As the heavens are higher than the earth,
    so are my ways higher than your ways
    and my thoughts than your thoughts.

Although there is value in our wisdom and experience, we must give attention to God in his perfect wisdom for our children’s future. Because without His wisdom, we can hinder the process of our children learning to hear from God for themselves.

Mothers and fathers: as hard as it is to do at times, love and let go. (Trust me, I will be a work-in-progress on this for the rest of my life). Loving our kids to equip them as they spread their wings and fly is an accomplishment we will know came from receiving God’s love for ourselves.

Previously published at Mum Daily. Image by Derek Thomson from Unsplash.

About the Author: Annette Spurr

Annette Spurr runs her own business at Blue Box Media and is also the Managing Editor at Mum Daily. As a wife and mother, Annette has discovered the power of gratitude journalling.

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