Have you received your postal ballot in your letterbox? The real question is what are you going to do with it? Fill it in and send it back to the Australian Bureau of Statistics because they want to know what you think and so do your children.
The question on the ballot paper is, “Should the law be changed to allow same-sex couples to marry?” Yes or No. It is my belief that the question should be, “Do you believe in in scientific fact or gender ideological fiction?” Think I am being a bit harsh? Let me explain.
“We live in an age of gender confusion. Much of this is a result of the deliberate attempt by various social engineers to convince us that gender is not fixed or static, but fluid and changeable; that there are not two genders but many genders; that gender is really a social construct; that gender roles are interchangeable; that humans are really androgynous; and that gender is not important in human relationships.
Gender role modelling is also on the decrease, because more and more children are growing up in households other than the mother-father household. The great majority of single-parent households are fatherless.[i] Many boys are growing up without a father figure and most schools have a predominance of female teachers. Boys lack good male role models. Confusion over gender is thus compounded and passed on to future generations…”
These words could have been written yesterday in the light of the current debate, but they were written in 2007 when my wife and I, with 33 other authors, including 10 doctors, published 21 Reasons Why Gender Matters. This document lays out the case for the importance of the male and female genders, and argues against the new androgyny, and the social engineering taking place in the arena of gender.
21 Reasons Why Gender Matters examines some of the evidence that shows men and women are different, including the fact that our brains are different,[ii] our biochemistry is different, our hormones are different, our strength levels are different, our physical designs and sizes are different, and therefore our needs for protection and security are different.
Such hardwired differences explain why men and women are so different in areas of behaviour, perceptions, the way they process information, and so on.[iii] The document then examines some of the consequences of the so-called ‘destruction of gender’. It would seem our whole society is gripped with collective ‘Gender Disorientation Pathology’ much more than individuals might be.
Sometimes other people can make the case with greater clarity. Mark Latham, a proponent of same-sex marriage wrote a brilliant article in the Daily Telegraph on 29 August called Same Sex Marriage Will Open a Can of Worms. I will let you be the judge!
“There is a widely held expectation in Australian politics that once the result of the same-sex marriage postal vote is announced on November 15, the matter will be resolved, once and for all.
According to opinion polls, a Yes vote looks likely, clearing the way for amendments to the Marriage Act.
But perhaps there’s one more twist in this long-running, vexed issue.
I hate to say it, but it might run for a good while yet.
By now, we have all heard the Australian Bureau of Statistics advertisements, encouraging people to vote on “whether Australian marriage laws should be changed to allow same-sex couples to marry”.
If the proposition is carried, the average voter would expect extra clauses to be added to the Marriage Act, widening the scope of wedlock to include homosexuality.
Marriage is currently defined as “between a man and a woman”.
One would logically expect the new legislation to read:
“Marriage is a union between:
- a) A man and a woman; or
- b) Two gay men; or
- c) Two lesbian women.”
But this is not what our parliamentarians have been proposing.
When Bill Shorten introduced his private members’ Marriage Amendment (Marriage Equality) Bill in 2015, its purpose was to “allow Australians to marry regardless of their sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or intersex status.”
He sought to define marriage as “a union between two people” — meaning that all Australian adults were eligible: heterosexuals, homosexuals and people of any other gender or sexuality.
In the Liberal party-room, whenever private members’ bills have been proposed to amend the Marriage Act, they too have followed the Shorten formula.
That is, marriage as a union between any two people of any gender or sexuality.
This raises an immediate contradiction. The current postal vote is asking about “same-sex couples”.
But where is the question covering other possibilities — the various sexual orientations, gender identities and intersex statuses allowed for in both the Labor and Liberal private members’ bills?
This is no small matter.
In the Liberal Party whenever private members’ bills have been proposed to amend the Marriage Act, they too have followed the Shorten formula — marriage as a union between any two people of any gender or sexuality.
Left wing activists claim to have identified up to 250 gender and sexual categories. These include the well-known LGBTI designations — lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex — plus a bewildering array of other terminology.
Apparently, it is now possible to be genderqueer, demisexual, twospirit, asexual, pansexual, polyamorous, fluid, femme, gender-binary, gynephilic, SAAB, MSM/WSW, skoliosexual, agender, androsexual, bicurious, cisgender, demiromantic, down low, FtM/F2M and MtF/M2F.
I swear those last two featured in one of the Star Wars movies.
I’m a supporter of same-sex marriage and would like to vote Yes in a plebiscite. But clearly Labor and Liberals have in mind a far broader definition of marriage.
It won’t be restricted to heterosexuals and homosexuals.
It will include the multitude of categories listed above — most of which I’ve got no idea what they are talking about. I mean, what does the legalisation of polyamorous, skoliosexual and twospirit marriage involve?
Why is the postal vote question asking about same-sex (the LGB component) but not the other 247 types of marriage being promoted by the left?
And why won’t the government release the amended Marriage Act it has in mind so we can understand what a YES vote will mean in practice?
A big part of the problem has been the left’s strategy of mission creep: using this debate to constantly broaden the definition of marriage.
Fifteen years ago, they advocated “gay marriage”. Then the mantra became “same-sex marriage” and finally, “marriage equality”.
Most of us thought this was a marketing ploy, an exercise in semantics.
But it actually had a serious intent. Marriage equality is not just for gay couples. It involves a sweeping redefinition of marriage, extending to the other 247 gender/sexual categories.
My advice to people would be: if you don’t understand the proposal, don’t vote for it.
I won’t be.
I’m also worried about the way in which marriage between any “two people” legitimises the notion of gender fluidity.
Through neo-Marxist programs like Safe Schools and Respectful Relationships, radicals have infiltrated our education system.
They are trying to convince young people of the possibilities of gender fluidity: that at any time, boys can be girls and girls can be boys.
Prior to the fall of the Berlin Wall, Marxists tried to create political anxiety and rebellion through the economic system. Now they are trying to manipulate the identity and feelings of school students, to convince them nothing is fixed in this world, such as biological science.
They want young Australians to believe that “capitalist hegemony” is suppressing their true gender and sexuality — a new source of social unrest. We must resist this propaganda at any cost.
With a majority of parents saying they don’t want radical queer theory in the school curriculum via Safe Schools, why would we want it in the Marriage Act?
Marriage equality has become a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
What does this mean for Parliament post-November 15?
If the public votes Yes, conservative MPs in the Coalition party room will be entitled to limit the scope of any new marriage statute to the mandate of the people.
This means writing into law a specific provision for marriage between same-sex couples.
But no more than that.
The postal vote process has made no mention of the other 247 categories.
If the public hasn’t approved marriage beyond heterosexual and homosexual couples, how can the Parliament proceed with a broad, “two people” definition?
Malcolm Turnbull’s political nightmare with gay marriage is a long way from ending.”
Voting is not compulsory but in light of the Gender Disorientation nightmare our society and particularly our children are now facing, we should vote to make it better not worse. I believe a Yes vote will make it worse. I will be following Mark Latham’s example. I hope you will do the same.
Yours for Our Children
Warwick Marsh
PS: For those who would like to research some of the issues that we have raised in this week’s newsletter our friends at the Australian Family Association have put together an excellent resource: http://transgendermarriagevote.com.au
Another great resource is the video by Bill Muehlenberg from Culture Watch on the Consequences of Homosexual Marriage as well as Brian Camenker’s ground-breaking video called What ‘gay marriage’ did to Massachusetts
[i] In 2006, 87% of one-parent families with children under 15 years were headed by mothers. “Australian Social Trends, 2007: One Parent Families.” Canberra: Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2007.
[ii] For example, one University of Massachusetts researcher reported that “at least 100 differences in male and female brains have been described so far”. Cited in Michael Gurian and Kathy Stevens, The Mind of Boys. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2005, p. 46.
[iii] To argue for the innateness of gender differences is of course not to deny that nature is augmented by nurture. Environmental influences certainly have a role to play in all this. For example, from a young age a person’s expressions of their gender (masculinity or femininity) will be shaped both by inner natural drives and also by social and cultural influences. Thus it is important to critically examine cultural norms which may constrain the free and natural expression of males and females. Hence the importance of gender role modelling as a way of helping children and adolescents to develop in healthy ways so that they are able to express their gendered personality in ways that are personally fulfilling within a society.