Little Ones and Screens
How do you navigate the use of digital devices among your offspring? Is it possible to moderate screen use, or does prohibition work better?
Working from Home with Infants
In my role, I am blessed to be able to work from home, making it possible to be present for my toddlers all day, every day. However, this arrangement comes with its own challenges. Here are some strategies that enable me to multitask well.
A Pregnancy Miracle!
Three years and three months after we began trying, Angie is finally pregnant! In the end, Angie and I cannot take credit for this miracle of pregnancy. There are no silver bullets, but there were three things that seem to have made a big difference in our case.
The Names We Use Matter
What we call each other and how we address each other impacts the sense of trust and safety in our relationship. Let’s make the names we use for each other a blessing.
Three Tips for Cross-Cultural Travel With Your Baby
With so many rapid geographical and cultural changes, the learning curve has been steep, both for us as parents and for our 13-month-old daughter. Here are three tips from our travels so far for navigating cross-cultural travel with your baby.
If You Are a Single Dad, You Often Feel All Alone
Whatever you do, know that you’re not alone. Know that being a proactive single dad is a blast. Be a man, be a father, get muddy and let the washing pile up.
The Blessing of Extended Family
This weekend, Squish met her Australian cousins for the first time, and the experience was as fun as we had anticipated, for babies and parents alike. To set the scene, let me tell you a bit about my family.
Your Baby’s Development: Newborn to 3-Month Milestones
Over the course of this guide, we'll break down the different areas of your baby's development and what to expect by the time you have a three-month-old.
Tension with Our Kids’ Mum Deeply Affects Our Fathering
Disagreements and tension with our children’s mother can’t help but spill over into how we relate to our kids. Our words and actions (or our inaction) can have powerful consequences for our families and children.
Life as a Single Dad: 55 Tips for Single Dads, by Single Dads
Becoming a single father brings with it a whole raft of incredibly significant changes to your life. Being a single dad means being the absolute centre of your child’s life; the pillar that their future rests on.
Toddlers and Teeth: Dental Health Matters
Does your baby enjoy having his or her teeth cleaned? What strategies have you implemented for fuss-free dental maintenance?
Four Things I’ve Learnt in My Baby’s First Year
Being the father of a toddler came at me fast. Before the next big phase arrives, it’s time to slow down and reflect on four simple things I have learnt during Squish’s first year about some parenting basics.
When I am Winning, WE are Usually Losing
Pride is profoundly I-centred. It defends our threatened ego by diminishing the other and consequently puts distance between us. Humility is the foundation of harmony and love between husband and wife. It helps us get the focus off winning and onto each other.
Single Dad’s Inspiring Letter Went Viral – Truly Amazing Story!
Richard has now experienced what an incredible blessing it is to be a parent. As a single dad, he courageously stepped up to a task that seemed too big, and now he recognises the amazing things he would have missed had he chosen to give in to fear and run.
Taking Your Baby on Public Transport
I remember the feeling of accomplishment when I successfully managed my first bus trip with my newborn all by myself. With an infant, the mundane act of taking public transport transforms into a glorious adventure and holds a multitude of teachable opportunities.
Disciplining a One-Year-Old?
It happened so quickly, I barely noticed the change. But all of a sudden, our little bundle of joy needs to be disciplined. Every moment of the day, she is finding ways to test boundaries and assert her independence.
Dining Out with Little Tykes
Dining out can be stressful rather than relaxing when you have rambunctious toddlers. Here are some tips to make it a more pleasant experience for everyone, fellow patrons and waitstaff included:
12 Things I’ve Loved About Squish’s First 12 Months
Our little Squish is fast closing in on her first birthday. Where have these last 12 months gone? My first year of fatherhood has been better than I imagined. It comes with plenty of challenges, of course, but so does every path we choose in life.
Squish’s Grandparents Come to Town
For the last two weeks, Squish has been surrounded by all four of her grandparents. It was the first time Elsa had met my mum and dad, who flew in to the United States all the way from Australia.
Attached – For Better or Worse
An intentional marriage that is loving and affirming, is a powerful way to heal the wounds of insecure attachment. It’s one of the great graces of marriage as we grow in attachment to each other by providing consistent and responsive care.
Dangerous Plants
Introducing your child to the great outdoors is part of the joy of parenting. Fostering a love of nature and curiosity about creation is par for the course. However, in Australia, the flora and fauna pose hazards aplenty. Be careful around unidentified plants!
New Dad Feels: Enthusiasm and Cost
For most men, being a new father ignites some new feelings that don’t really come from any other experiences in life.
Birth Pangs: Be Prepared
Life gets busy, and despite the instinct to nest and collect all necessities before birth, your due date can creep up on you before you know it. Preparing during your second trimester might be ideal, as you tend to have more energy then.
Why Dad-Daughter Relationships are Indispensable
Dr Nielsen’s work at Wake Forest has concluded that women perform better in what they refer to as the 3Ms = Money, Men, and Mental Health, if the father-daughter relationship is strong.
Childproofing Your Home
With the birth of your tiny human comes an awareness of things that could possibly go wrong. Suddenly, your home becomes a zone of veritable death traps. It is ideal to begin childproofing before your newborn starts crawling and natural curiosity imperils your offspring.
The Magic of Facebook Marketplace and Op Shops
One thing I wish I had known as a new parent was to look harder on Facebook Marketplace, Gumtree or in local Buy Nothing groups before buying a whole bunch of new things.
The Daily Dad is a forum for Dads to be able to express themselves and encourage other dads. Mothers write articles as well. The opinions of the various writers are not necessarily the opinion of Dads4Kids. Read More
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