The family law system is unfairly stacked against separated fathers who simply want joint custody of their children. “Custody — Blood is Thicker Than Water” is an inspiring true story of a loving father who fought the system so that he could be a dad to his son.
As Dads, we are all our brother’s keepers. In this case, Single Dads are our brothers. We must all do our best to love and support them in their hour of need.
From my own point of view, as a happily married man with five children and nine grandchildren, when we founded Dads4Kids in 2002, we did not understand what separated and divorced fathers went through in the family law system.
Harsh Reality
We were shocked when we found out how fathers were being treated. The bias against the male of the species and the endless false accusations made against fathers took us by surprise. The fact that very few, if any, men achieved justice for their children really made our blood boil.
We all know that children need a mother, but they also need a father too. That biological reality escaped the Family Law Court.
While preparing to do an interview on this very subject with Danial Mason, author of Custody — Blood is Thicker Than Water, a desperate father rang our office.
“After spending $300,000 to gain court orders to get access to see my 4- and 8-year-old sons a few days a week, the mother withdrew the access unilaterally and breached final orders. I went back to court to fight to see my children. I endured horrific lies and treachery on the part of the mother and the court system. I lost my custody case and have been cut back to only a few hours each month.
I endured violence from my former partner during our relationship. My children have endured the same. Recently a doctor suspected my ex of child abuse with one of my sons. I even have photos to prove it. The charge was refused proper investigation. I am heartbroken. I love my children. What can I do?”
Such heartbreaking stories are all too common. My wife and I have heard over 800 such stories over the last 20 years, with the common theme of varying degrees of injustice and deprivation. It is incredibly sad.
Watch my interview below featuring Danial Mason, author of the breakthrough book, Custody.
Inspired by a true story, Custody — Blood is Thicker Than Water tells an incredible story of a father fighting for justice to have custody of his only son.
Parental Alienation
Danial Mason grew up in central Victoria, Australia with a yearning to travel. In 1966, he ventured to Auckland, New Zealand. He met a girl and got married. He was then gifted with a son before the marriage broke apart.
The break-up of the marriage and the mother wanting sole custody of the child began the quest by Danial Masons to gain custody of his son.
His story centres around the legal system at the time which favoured the mother, as the law stated that a child under five remains with the mother in custody matters.
The system was a harsh and bitter one set up by the child welfare justice system along with the courts. Danial Mason, being a loving father, challenged the status quo. It was a monumental task. Even finding a lawyer to represent him was difficult.
By his faith and vision, he was drawn to the church. There he found an outstanding lady lawyer. Finding this lawyer was the defining moment in this extraordinary historic court case and the key to how it all unfolded.
Children’s Rights
There were many incidents leading up to and during the court case that readers will find difficult and hard to believe.
Far too often, fathers are portrayed as the aggressor. Lies and unfounded stories are told in court cases by their ex-partners against fathers to better their own cause. Custody — Blood is Thicker Than Water, would appeal to any father seeking to have custody of their children and who wants to fight for their rights.
Custody — Blood is Thicker Than Water is a story that many heartbroken men in Australia will identify with and hopefully find encouragement from reading. Such fathers need to hear stories like this. It will give them hope in the battle for their children’s natural biological right to be connected in a loving relationship with their own father.
The team at Dads4Kids congratulates the author Danial Mason on his courage and tenacity in fighting for the rights of the children of Australia by publishing this breakthrough book.
We are also very grateful and deeply humbled by the author’s gracious support for Dads4kids. Danial is giving a percentage of the profit from his book sales to the ongoing work of Dads4Kids.
We encourage you to read this gripping story for yourself. Buy the book at the author’s website here.
Let us be thankful for brave fathers like Danial Mason who are fighting for the biological birthright of a child to have a relationship with both their mother and their father.
Warwick Marsh,
Yours for Our Children
PS: Good news for NSW Dads. The annual Dads4Kids Fun Camp is going ahead, 11-12 November (Friday/Saturday) at Wollondilly River Station.
Watch this Dads’ video about the Dad4Kids Fun Camp.
Here is the Fun Camp from the children’s point of view.
Call Fun Camp coordinator Craig Shipway on 0418 241457.
Photo by Juan Pablo Serrano Arenas.