Leo Talbot

About Leo Talbot

Leo Talbot has 4 daughters and 10 grandchildren and has been happily married for 40 years. He has a background in Strategic Sales and IT.
  • boy and birds

A Black Day

I arrived home from school at about 4 pm one afternoon to find that my pigeons had been stolen, and one of the new chicks had been killed and was dead on the floor of the cage. I was 10 at the time. It was 1952 and we were living at 44 Canning Street, North Melbourne. I loved my pigeons. I had five excellent pairs and they all were good breeders. ...

By |2021-06-06T08:45:49+10:00May 14th, 2004|GRAND DADS, Children, Dads|0 Comments
  • Bobby

Choose Your Friends Wisely – Even When Young

When I was five years old, I lived at 302 Dryburgh Street, North Melbourne, and on Saturday mornings my Grandfather, William (Bill) Coyle would look after me while my mother worked in the city. My grandfather was about 162cm (5’4”) tall, and about as wide. His grandfather, a lawyer, had migrated from Ireland to Australia in the 1800s. They were good Catholics; my grandfather had 14 children, of which my dear ...

By |2021-06-05T17:05:41+10:00April 5th, 2004|Children, GRAND DADS|1 Comment
  • love mothers

‘Dinkum Dad’

Another piece of dad’s ‘irony’ was to allow me to do almost anything I liked (within the law), even take his new 1956, two-tone-green FJ Holden, registration GND 535 (that he would park in Kipling Street before leaving the keys on the ‘fridge’ and retiring to the lounge room to read the paper) for an unapproved drive past the milk bar where my mates were. He came out the next morning ...

By |2021-06-05T17:31:50+10:00February 23rd, 2004|Dads, FAMILIES, GRAND DADS, LOVE & MARRIAGE, MOTHERS|0 Comments
  • love mother

The Lost Arts of Parenting (Pt 1)

I used to think that it was really tough of my dad to expect me, at age 18 (in 1958), to be home at 8:30 in the evenings on Thursday and Friday nights, so that my mother would feel secure in the house with my little sister. This had been the requirement for a number of years, and it included Tuesday and Sunday nights as well. The reason for this ‘cruel ...

By |2021-06-05T16:52:46+10:00February 16th, 2004|Dads, FAMILIES|0 Comments
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