Jason Emslie

About Jason Emslie

Jason is currently a Flood Plain Management Engineer at Wollongong City Council and a creative father of five children.
  • children

Preparing for Parenting

Before we become fathers, we are free to live like children ourselves.  We work towards our own ends, we engage in relationships to satiate our own needs and desires, we enjoy leisure-some pursuits based entirely on what we enjoy. Fatherhood, by necessity, changes our focus and our lifestyle.  For myself, fatherhood was the precipitating factor in my finally and irrevocably, growing up.  I believe that most new fathers (and their partners!) ...

By |2022-09-10T08:15:43+10:00September 10th, 2022|NEW DADS, Babies|0 Comments
  • babies / time

Babies That Talk – Learning Your Baby’s Language

Language is a wonderful thing. Through the power of language, one person can translate the most complex and nebulous of ideas into terms that another can understand. Thus, not only the understanding but also the realisation of a new or different concept can be transposed from one mind to another. It’s really a miraculous process. Powerful and adaptable tool that it is, language is not the basis of communication, just a ...

By |2022-08-26T10:35:14+10:00August 25th, 2022|NEW DADS, Babies, Children|0 Comments
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