by Damian Coory
“There’s an epidemic of men’s violence,” screams the ABC.
“Australia’s domestic violence crisis is out of control,” the fearmongers in the media tell you.
“All men must take responsibility for this terrible State of Affairs,” says the PM.
And if you don’t care about women, you’re not an ally. If you’re not feeling guilty, gents, you’re a sexist, misogynist pig, and we had a so-called National Cabinet Meeting last week focused on the issue. They’re the meetings that Prime Ministers and Premier have when they don’t actually want to take leadership on an issue so they can share the blame around when things don’t work out. Albo follows in ScoMo’s spineless footsteps there. So good for the nation.
The tragedy of domestic violence is not a myth. It does exist. As it always has. The tragedy of intimate partner homicide is also not a myth. It exists. As it always has.
I want to be really clear here. Domestic violence is a terrible thing, and it does impact women more than men, because the biology of men is different to women. Men are more wired for physical violence and when we use violence, we do greater damage. That’s not an excuse in any way, that’s just the reality.
What this show is about today is the use of domestic violence as an issue for political and cultural control, so please keep that very important distinction in mind as you think about what we’re putting forward here today.
Part of being a good man is keeping your natural tendency to greater violence in check. Being a white knight, not an aggressive dumb thug. Boys who are fathered well, or who are smart enough to overcome absent or bad fathering by themselves, are taught to use their strength for good, to protect women and children — never against women and children or other men, unless those men pose a real threat. It’s a pity we still don’t value a lot of these old masculine ideals culturally, but most men in Australia actually do.
There are definitely some revolting creeps out there, but the idea that all men have a problem, or Australia has a problem with men generally, and the way men think and act generally, is bad. That is nothing but a third or fourth-wave radical feminist sexist misandry attack, or in simple terms, good old-fashioned man-hatred playing out in our media and politics.
It simply must stop. The fact is that the data simply doesn’t support the narrative being pushed by the left-wing media, bureaucrats and activists: that the problem of intimate partner homicide is getting worse, or that all men are somehow to blame, or that Australia has any kind of toxic male cultural problem.
Safer Than Ever
In fact, the data shows the exact opposite. Apart from all the hysteria and feminist marches this week, we also had the latest homicide data released by the Australian Institute of Criminology this week and this is what it tells us.
This is the rate of homicides in Australia per 100,000 people from 1989 on the left of the chart, to 2023 on the right. Back in 1989, you had a 1.8 in 100,000 chance of being murdered. In this country today, it’s less than half that. Half! — that’s massive and we should be celebrating it. Between 1st July 2022 and 30th June last year there were 232 homicides, giving us a rate of 0.87 per 100,000.
But what about domestic violence-related homicide? What about intimate partner homicide? the radical feminists will argue. Surely that’s gone up? We all know that. Well actually, uh no, homicides are classified into Domestic — meaning an intimate partner or relative or someone living with you; Acquaintance — meaning someone you know not living with you; and Stranger.
This chart shows all three types and the rates from 1989 to 2023 for each type. The dark green line is Domestic; the light green line is Acquaintance. They have both dropped massively since 1989. The rate of Domestic homicide in 2022/23 was 0.3 and the Acquaintance homicide rate decreased to 0.24, the lowest since 1989, when it was 2 and a half times that.
As you can see from the grey line at the bottom, the type of homicide that hasn’t dropped is Stranger homicide, and the victims of Stranger homicide are significantly, mostly men.
Moral Panic
But surely there’s something going on. I mean, the ABC’s been screaming about it all week. The Sydney Morning Herald, The Age, Nine Media and The Project.
Surely, they all can’t be misleading us, can they? Just had an Emergency National Cabinet Meeting Zoom call. I mean it must be real.
It’s probably the gender of the victims. That must be where women victims are on the rise. Oh no, that’s also falling. Most victims of homicide in Australia are still male. In 2023 male victims were 69% % of homicides, 171 out of the 232 murders overall. That puts the male victim rate at 1.29 per 100,000, and the female rate at 0.56, well less than half.
Over time it’s just more really good news. Since 1989, the rate of male victimisation halved and the rate of female homicide victimisation decreased by more than half, at 58%. So all this good news is just getting a bit too much. How will we demonise men in Australia now if they’re the ones getting murdered more and the murder rates are all dropping? This is a big problem for the radical third or fourth-wave feminists of sexism against men and general misandry. Whatever will these poor extremist activists do now?
Well, maybe we can help them. Let’s look at just the intimate partner murders, shall we? There were 38 intimate partner murders in Australia in the 2022/23 year. It’s horrible okay, but Australia has 27 million people, so the chance of being killed by your intimate partner in any given year is 1:710,000. How small is that? Well, the chance that you’ll be struck by lightning, in every given year, is approximately the same, so it’s kind of small. You can sleep safely and not worry, folks…
See the full video here.
Image courtesy of Vera Arsic.
I’m associate with DV organizations. so many women I met have experienced DV or nearly got murdered by their partner. This is absolutely misleading. You can only read stats but stats are just stats. when you attend DV events you’ll see the reality of why women feels unsafe and constantly on fight or fly mode.
This is misleading. DV is serious offense and should not be diminished and predicts by a few charts.
Diminishing DV awareness isn’t saving lives. You are helping the perpatrators, instead.
As per usual, Damian Coory is manipulating facts. Firstly, no-one is say men, or Australian men are “bad” nor is masculinity “toxic” there is however, toxic masculinity. The latter is completely separate from men in general, and masculinity in general. Toxic masculinity is the extreme belief of the man being superior, to make the decisions, being dominant, aggressive – to the extreme. Also, the data being presented is not relevant to the current discussions of increase in violence against women. What is being seen is an increase of women being killed by MEN SINCE 2022. Not just domestic violence, not over the last 30 years, and not just dead. These graphs do not define women killed by men.
This statement, is an example of toxic masculinity “There were 38 intimate partner murders in Australia in the 2022/23 year. It’s horrible okay…so the chance of being killed by your intimate partner in any given year is 1:710,000. How small is that? Well, the chance that you’ll be struck by lightning, in every given year, is approximately the same, so it’s kind of small” How demeaning, trivialising, how disgusting