Healthy Men, Healthy Families Healthy Nation
Senate Select Committee on Men's Health Submission
Senate Inquiry Men’s Health, 13 March 2009
List of Supporting Documents & Research Papers
‘Fathers in Families’
© 2005 — documents the high cost of fatherlessness and the subsequent cost to our health as a nation.
Published by Dads4Kids/The Fatherhood Foundation.
‘21 Reasons Why Marriage Matters’
© 2004 — documents the health benefits of strong sustainable marriage to men and women.
Published by Dads4Kids/The Fatherhood Foundation.
‘16 Reasons for Sexual Integrity’
Booklet © 2005 — documents the benefits of promoting quality relationships between men and women, which shows that the practice of sexual integrity safeguards human health.
Published by Dads4Kids/The Fatherhood Foundation.
‘21 Reasons Why Gender Matters’
© 2007 — documents the gender differences between men and women, and the need to celebrate our complementarity; outlines the health benefits that come from positive family relationships.
Published at
‘Mortality over the 20th Century’
A great reference tool for analysis of mortality in Australia.
Report by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW).
‘The Roseto Effect’
An independent referenced article on the powerful effects of positive relationships for good health.
Related Articles from the Daily Dad
Lynching of Men is Our National Sport
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2500 Empty Shoes: Male Suicide Visual Presentation for International Men’s Day
2500 Empty Shoes is a visual presentation on male suicide, held this year on 16 and 19 November on the lawns of Parliament House, Canberra. Day 2 coincides with International Men’s Day.
Silent Statistics and the Silent Sufferers
Our men have to be proactive and address mental illness head-on and ensure that programs are implemented to deal with the aim of curbing suicide rates.
How NASA Naps Could Help Sleep-Deprived Dads on Autopilot
NASA naps last for around 23 minutes and have the potential to save sleep-deprived dads on autopilot.
Saying “I Love You” from a Distance (Part 2)
On the school day my children leave my care, I will drop an “I love you” note into their lunch box or a quirky gift from the two-dollar shop.
The Benefits of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) for Dads in a Dark Place
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More New Dads Seek Help for Mental Health Concerns
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The Gift of Pain – Beyond Channel 9’s 60 Minutes Story
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How to Respond to New Dad Disorientation
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The Illusion of Toxic Masculinity
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Mental Health Awareness Gets a Boost as Cousins Hike in Memory of Their Dads
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Millions Support Men and Boys
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Zero Male Suicide
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Dads Forging Family Fun around the Dining Table
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