I knew I had struck gold when I saw the subject line in my Inbox: Finally-The App All Women Have Been Waiting For..LEGEND HUSBAND!

The media release said it all:

The brainchild of Sydney Pastor Mark Reilly, the new Legend Husband app gives men an idea of what their wives really need.Mark is the Pastor at the Camden Baptist Church and has spent many years working with couples in pre-marriage and marriage counselling as well as facilitating marriage enrichment seminars. Legend Husband combines this knowledge and experience, but it’s also fun!

Mark says the idea grew from a discussion at a party. “I joked I needed an app when we discovered that none of the men in the group knew their wife’s shoe or clothing size, much to their wives horror.

“The idea took shape,” says Mark, “plus I was able to use all the stuff I’ve done wrong over the past 18 years of marriage!”

With a place to record important dates (birthdays and anniversaries), an argument referee and a ‘Love Language Discovery link’, Legend Husband takes the guesswork out of keeping your partner happy.

The Legend Husband argument referee is beautiful in its simplicity. You change the colour of the screen when it’s your time to talk, so while the screen is pink, it’s her turn, while it’s blue it’s his. Everyone gets to say their piece, uninterrupted, without having to shout over their partner.

“Legend Husband has a video feature,” says Mark, “so you can record your wife telling you how much she loves you- then when things are crazy, you can replay it and it will help calm you down.  Also you can video record any decisions, dreams or goals that you have made together, which all helps keep the fires stoked.”


 Mark says Legend Husband makes you think about the most important person in your life.

“We all spend time and money making sure our cars run smoothly, but many people hesitate to do the same for their marriage.  Legend Husband gives you some fun tools to do that, right there on your phone!”

As soon as I had finished reading the email I rang Mark Reilly and excitedly congratulated him on his groundbreaking invention. I told him that this app is going to help tens of millions of marriages and prevent over one hundred thousand divorces. Mark sounded encouraged but still a tad doubtful. The Legend Husband App had been out for a few months but had not really garnered much attention.

Alison and I decided, whatever the case, we would feature this important breakthrough for husbands in the blog and newsletter.

We are so glad we did, because the Sydney Daily Telegraph ran a story on Thursday which is this week’s Special Feature. The story then broke around Australia, and then around the world. Mark Reilly has now done over a dozen media interviews for paper, radio and TV and the requests keep coming. Even the BBC in the UK rang him for an interview. The story has appeared in newspapers and online journals in the UK, India, Singapore and even Japan. Such is the power of a good idea. Mark told me that he is both humbled and excited by the amazing level of interest.

In our Good to Great Fathering Course I ask the men to remember their wife’s dress size and anniversaries but with the app linked to your online diary, those problems will become a thing of the past.

I am a bit slow to embrace technology, but this became the first app that I have downloaded without my daughter’s help. I couldn’t think of a better one!

Recently I had a phone call from a woman doing extensive interviews with Australian men. I told a bit of her story a few weeks ago in this blog. One of the interesting observations she made about Australian men, compared with other nations, was that Australian men really do love their wives and their children quite deeply. They really are very romantic. She qualified that statement by saying that “they just have difficulty showing it”. In all my dealings with Aussie men, this is my experience also. That is why I am so excited about this app, because using it is going to help men do and give what they always wanted to their wives.

You see, it is the little things that count. Men think in terms of big things, and think they get more points for big things. But they only get one point, on the scale of love, for something big, and one point for something small. This seems particularly unfair to the male viewpoint but it is a simple fact that demonstrates how different men and women really are. It is the little things that count and the Legend Husband App is going to help men do a lot of the little things for their wives and save a lot of marriages in the process.


I don’t often tell men that they have to buy something, but at 99 cents for an ITunes download Legend Husband App , how could I not do so?  I have always managed to remember my wedding anniversary but on occasions have forgotten my wife’s birthday – never again.

Yours for the small things

Warwick Marsh

PS. Download your Legend Husband App and tell your friends about it. Men love gadgets, and women love attention. What a great way to foster true love. The Legend Husband App was #1 on ITunes a few days ago. If it could stay at number one for a few weeks it might even save a lot of broken hearts.

Published On: July 20th, 20130 Comments on Legend Husband App

About the Author: Warwick Marsh

Warwick Marsh has been married to Alison Marsh since 1975; they have five children and nine grandchildren, and he and his wife live in Wollongong in NSW, Australia. He is a family and faith advocate, social reformer, musician, TV producer, writer and public speaker. Warwick is a leader in the Men’s and Family Movement, and he is well-known in Australia for his advocacy for children, marriage, manhood, family, fatherhood and faith. Warwick is passionate to encourage men to be great fathers and to know the greatest Father of all. The Father in Whom “there is no shadow of turning.”

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