Before talking more about the fact that we believe Dads4Kids has saved the lives of 1,807 men over the last eight years, here’s a quick update on our progress toward the matching challenge of

$23,000 …

… We’re five days into the week-long matching period and we are about three quarters of the way to reaching the match amount.

 REMEMBER: every gift given between now and next Thursday 30 June  — up to the $23,000 match — will be instantly DOUBLED!

Make your one-time tax-deductible gift now:

In addition, the annualized amount of every monthly pledge made between now and next Thursday, 30 June  will also be DOUBLED!

Make your tax-deductible monthly pledge now:

Please help TODAY if at all possible — and thank you to the 30 people who have already given!

Now let’s talk more about the figure of 1,807 men’s lives saved over the last eight years  …

Dads4Kids is a Harm Prevention Charity. It is really hard for us to make an honest assessment of our work in reducing harm and saving lives. The goal of Dads4Kids is to turn the tide of Fatherlessness. The good book says don’t think of yourself more highly than you ought but the converse is also true.  We must do our best to honestly explain to those who donate to us how effective our work is in saving lives and turning the tide of fatherlessness, thus helping the children of Australia.

To recap our figure of 1,807 lives saved: in 2007 Dads4Kids brought experts together for a Family Friendly Policy Forum with both the major parties in Parliament House, Canberra before the election.   Because of that strategic action by Dads4Kids we now have a cohesive national Men’s Health Policy which is supported by both major parties. Of course Men’s Health still needs more support, but at least Australia now recognises the epidemic in men’s suicide and that male deaths of prostate cancer are higher than breast cancer in women.

Dads4Kids estimates that since its inauguration the National Men’s Health Policy has conservatively helped save the lives of 1,807 fathers. This figure is based on half of one percent improvement in men’s health and the same reduction in male morbidity over an 8 year period. This means that over 3,732 children can still give their Daddy or Granddad a hug. The fact that Dad or Granddaddy is still around today is wonderful news for those children. That is why we are asking you to sacrificially help the Dads4Kids End of Financial Year appeal.

We believe that this figure is conservative when you consider our work and advocacy for single fathers and our help to bring some sensible changes to the family law system. Just like the  National Men’s Health policy we cannot take all the credit for the changes. Many other groups did wonderful things but in each case Dads4kids played a pivotal role in helping bring a united voice on these important issues.

Since the inception of Dads4Kids in 2002 approximately 30,240 men have killed themselves but overall the figures are going down. Most of the men who kill themselves are fathers or grandfathers who have children. These children are now fatherless as a result of them taking their life. We believe that one of the ways Dads4Kids has made a  contribution in this area has been through the publication of our weekly newsletter which has reached out to inspire fathers, one million five hundred thousand times.

This brings the comprehensive results of Dads4Kids over these last 14 years to a stunning:

  • 1,500,000 individual emails sent to inspire fathers.
  • 1,475,000 words in these emails.
  • 28 books is the equivalent amount of words published by Dads4Kids to bring hope and encouragement to fathers and so help children.
  • 20 million Australians have seen Dads4Kids TV Community Service adverts over the last 14 years.
  • 10 Million dollars’ worth of Dads4Kids TV ads for 1% of the investment. (Dads4Kids is very cost effective)
  • 1,807 fathers lives saved. (We believe)
  • 3,732 children can still hug dad or grandad and are not fatherless. (Based on the above figures)

That is 3,732 reasons for Dads4Kids to keep pressing on and you to keep giving!

To hear more of the amazing stories of what Dads4KIds has achieved through your participation, and support, listen to the inspiring audio recording of Thursday night’s “Dads Making A Difference” by clicking  here:

Yours for the Future of Our Children

Warwick Marsh

Published On: July 2nd, 20160 Comments on 1,807 Lives Saved

About the Author: Warwick Marsh

Warwick Marsh has been married to Alison Marsh since 1975; they have five children and nine grandchildren, and he and his wife live in Wollongong in NSW, Australia. He is a family and faith advocate, social reformer, musician, TV producer, writer and public speaker. Warwick is a leader in the Men’s and Family Movement, and he is well-known in Australia for his advocacy for children, marriage, manhood, family, fatherhood and faith. Warwick is passionate to encourage men to be great fathers and to know the greatest Father of all. The Father in Whom “there is no shadow of turning.”

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